Pubbox rules

Posted on 2024-02-24 Updated on 2024-06-14

[The reason for doing this is the numerous links and inconsistencies in users' posts using inconsistent hashtags in tweets. It's very annoying]

Minimum 50 character before add the link/Url. Users can't write more than 3 link.If a user adds a link to a pubox or comment:

  • Do not write nonsensical language in the post. [ Ex: Desdfweascchrfv scascwv sevc ecfawfcwcfasxacawsv acawfawfwfscaswc] (Posts will be deleted at any time (automatically or manually).
  • You cannot add links/urls at the beginning of the article.
  • Write a minimum of 50 characters before adding the link/Url.
  • Can't add more than 3 links to a tweet or comment 

Be sure to adhere to this initiative to eliminate spam and this policy to maintain site quality.

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