Trouble Accessing OwnTweet

2 Out of 2 Found Helpful
Posted on 2024-02-24

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance security, recent updates may have led to certain features and devices being restricted. To resolve this issue, please follow these steps carefully and in sequence without skipping any:For Users on Web Browsers:Step 1: Clear the cookies and cache of your browser.Step 2: Close your browser completely, th...

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Resetting Your Password

3 Out of 3 Found Helpful
Posted on 2024-02-24

To begin the password reset process, please follow these simple steps:1. Make sure you are logged out of your OwnTweet account on the device you plan to use for resetting your password. Failure to do so may hinder the password reset process.2. Find and click on the prominently displayed "Reset my password" link, which will lead you through the...

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Edit Button

3 Out of 3 Found Helpful
Posted on 2024-02-24

OwnTweet provides an edit button feature, allowing users to quickly rectify errors or add more content to their previously published tweet. This feature is accessible to all OwnTweet users at no extra cost.Users have a one-hour window post-publishing to make necessary edits. After this period, the edit button becomes unavailable for that speci...

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Email Verification

2 Out of 2 Found Helpful
Posted on 2024-02-24

For a smooth account creation process, please ensure that you accurately input your email address during registration. If you haven't received an email from us within five minutes of submitting your account details, please check your SPAM and PROMOTIONS folder. Legitimate emails can sometimes be filtered into these folders by mistake. If you s...

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Posted on 2024-02-24

We understand that there may be questions or concerns surrounding any new social network. We want to be transparent and address any potential falsehoods directly:1. Is Owntweet a safe platform?Owntweet is committed to user safety and security. We have implemented various measures to protect your information, including:Secure user authenticatio...

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